Jul 9, 2014

Perolehan Bahasa dan Mengaplikasikannya

Perolehan Bahasa dan Mengaplikasikannya

Teori perolehan bahasa
Lima hipotesis berikut ini merangkum teori tentang perolehan bahasa ( untuk penjelasan secara teknis dan bukti pendukung, lihat di Krashen 1994, 2004 ).

Perolehan – belajar hipotesis
Kita memiliki dua cara yang sangat berbeda dalam mengembangkan kemampuan pada bahasa lain. Kita dapat memperoleh bahasa, dan kita dapat belajar bahasa.
                Perolehan bahasa terjadi tanpa disadari, ketika sedang terjadi kita tidak mengetahui atau sadar bahwa hal tersebut sedang berlangsung. Kita berpikir bahwa kita sedang melakukan percakapan, membaca sebuah buku, menonton sebuah film. Tentu saja, tetapi dalam waktu yang sama, kita mungkin akan memperoleh bahasa.
                Dan juga, ketika kita akan memperoleh sesuatu, kita tidak selalu menyadari bahwa segalanya telah terjadi. Pengetahuan disimpan didalam alam bawah sadar kita.
                Penelitian ini sangat mendukung pandangan bahwa baik anak-anak dan orang dewasa sadar dapat memperoleh bahasa. Dan sebuah bahasa dapat diperoleh dari lisan, tulisan ataupun keduanya.
                Perolehan bahasa terkadang mengacu pada “penguasaan” bahasa. Ketika seseorang berkata, “saya tinggal di Perancis untuk sementara dan saya menguasai beberapa bahasa Perancis”. Ini berarti dia memperolehnya.
                Belajar bahasa adalah sebuah proses sadar. Ketika kita belajar, kita tahu bahwa kita sedang belajar dan kita mencoba untuk belajar. Belajar bahasa adalah apa yang kita pelajari disekolah, bahasa setiap hari, ketika kita bicara tentang “aturan” dan “tata bahasa” kita akan bicara tentang “belajar”.
                Memeriksa kesalahan seharusnya membantu untuk belajar. Ketika kita membuat sebuah kesalahan dan diperiksa, kita seharusnya merubah cara kesadaran pada diri kita akan sebuah aturan. Jika seorang pelajar berkata “saya datang ke sekolah setiap hari” dan guru merespon dengan “bukan, saya datang ke sekolah” kita seharusnya menyadari bahwa ‘s’ bukan digunakan untuk orang pertama tunggal pada bentuk sebuah kata kerja.

Jun 9, 2014


1.  It is there in the oldest layer of my memory, and I cannot dig it out. (Page 1, Line 8)
- Literal phrasal verb : menggali
- Idiomatic phrasal verb : menemukan
- The meaning of ‘dig out’ is menemukan.

2.  A hundred times I have gone over that morning when Precious Auntie wrote it down. (Page 1,   Line 9)
- Literal phrasal verb : melampaui
- Idiomatic phrasal verb : membaca kembali
- The meaning of ‘gone over’ is membaca kembali.

3.  A hundred times I have gone over that morning when Precious Auntie wrote it down. (Page 1, Line 10)
- Literal phrasal verb : menuliskan
- Idiomatic phrasal verb : menuliskan
- The meaning of ‘wrote down’ is menuliskan

4. She huffed, set the paper on the low cupboard. (Page 1, Line 20)
- Literal phrasal verb : memajukan
- Idiomatic phrasal verb : merapikan
- The meaning of ‘set on’ is merapikan

5.  And motioned that I should get up. (Page 1, Line 21)
- Literal phrasal verb : berdiri
- Idiomatic phrasal verb : bangun
- The meaning of ‘get up’ is bangun

6.  She wet down any strands that stuck out like spider legs. (Page 2, Line 3)
- Literal phrasal verb : menjulurkan
- Idiomatic phrasal verb : mengikat
- The meaning of ‘stuck out’ is mengikat

7.  Hand-talk, face-talk, and chalk-talk were the languages I grew up with, soundless and strong. (Page 2, Line 15)
- Literal phrasal verb : membesar
- Idiomatic phrasal verb : tumbuh
- The meaning of ‘grew up’ is tumbuh dewasa
8.  I took out  a pretty comb, ivory with a rooster carved at each end. (Page 2, Line 17)
- Literal phrasal verb : mengeluarkan
- Idiomatic phrasal verb : mengambil
- The meaning of ‘took out’ is mengeluarkan

9.  ‘You wear this,’ I demanded, holding it up. (Page 2, Line 19)
- Literal phrasal verb : menahan
- Idiomatic phrasal verb : memegang
- The meaning of ‘holding up’ is memegang

10.  She pulled of  her scarf and pointed to her face and bunched her brows. (Page 2, Line 22)
- Literal phrasal verb : menarik
- Idiomatic phrasal verb : melepaskan
- The meaning of ‘pulled of’ is melepaskan

11. 'Ai-ya, seeing her, even a demon would leap out of his skin.’ (Page 2, Line 33)
Literal phrasal verb : melompat keluar
- Idiomatic phrasal verb : melompat keluar
- The meaning of ‘leap out’ is melompat keluar

12. Where the gums had burned, the teeth had fallen out. (Page 3, Line 2)
Literal phrasal verb : jatuh
- Idiomatic phrasal verb : tanggal
- The meaning of ‘ fallen out’ is tanggal

13. She retrieved the scrap of paper from the cupboard,  folded it in half, and tucked it into the lining of her shoe. (Page 3, Line 29)
- Literal phrasal verb : melipat
- Idiomatic phrasal verb : melipat
- The meaning of ‘folded in’ is melipat

14. She retrieved the scrap of paper from the cupboard, folded it in half, and tucked it into the lining of her shoe. (Page 3, Line 30)
- Literal phrasal verb : terselip
- Idiomatic phrasal verb : terselip
- The meaning of ‘tucked into’ is menyelipkan

15. We put on our padded winter clothes and walked into the cold corridor. (Page 3, Line 30)
- Literal phrasal verb : memakai
     - Idiomatic phrasal verb : mengenakan
     - The meaning of ‘put on’ is mengenakan

16. Take off your shoes. (Page 4, Line 2)
     - Literal phrasal verb : berangkat
     - Idiomatic phrasal verb : lepaskan
     - The meaning of ‘take off’ is lepaskan

17. I stepped onto cold gray tiles. (Page 4, Line 3)
- Literal phrasal verb : melangkah
- Idiomatic phrasal verb : melangkah
- The meaning of ‘stepped onto’ is melangkah

18. Her black eyes looked into mine. (Page 4, Line 13)
- Literal phrasal verb : memandang
- Idiomatic phrasal verb : melihat
- The meaning of ‘looked into’ is melihat

19. She blew on them until they began to smolder. (Page 4, Line 20)
- Literal phrasal verb : meniup
- Idiomatic phrasal verb : meniup
- The meaning of ‘blew on’ is meniup

20. ‘I’m cold,’ I whimpered, and tears leaked out. (Page 4, Line 27)
     - Literal phrasal verb : bocor
     - Idiomatic phrasal verb : menetes
     - The meaning of ‘leaked out’ is menetes

Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer

Firdi Fardhillah (12610803)
Tri Wahyuni H. (16610971)
Umy Magfirah M. (18610328)

Jan 22, 2014


Forget you still love him
Forget it is true
He knew what he wanted
And it wasn't you
Forget his name
Forget his face
Forget his kiss
His sweet embrace
Forget the love that you once knew
Remember he didn't want you
Forget him when they play your song
Remember when you cried all night long
Forget how close you once were
Remember he screwed you over
Forget how you memorized his walk
Forget the way he used to talk
Forget the things he used to say
Remember he has gone away
Forget his laugh, forget his grin
Forget the dimples on his chin
Forget the way he held you tight
Remember you're all alone tonight
Forget the time that went so fast
Forget the love that moved, its past
Forget he said he'd leave you never
Remember he's gone forever!









I may not be your best friend
but I surely know that I always try  to be the best I could be

I may not seem to care enough
but I can feel you within my heart

I may not talk to much to you
but you'll find me waiting every minute just to listen
to every piece of your heart saying

All my wandering years had led me to you
and being your friend
which are changing the face of my world

From the birth to the death, in my life,
I often ask my self where I might go
to make real friends

But they are not the people
I must travel to find

They are the people I take with

Because real friends are 
those who can make me believe
they never even exist

Letter For Mom

October 24, 2010

Dear Mom,

I can’t sleep tonight so I’m writing letter for you. Now I’m sitting in the lobby of my friend’s apartment. I’m sitting with my friends, they are Nina, Zeezee and my senior in collage, Cahaya. They are so busy until ignore me. Nina and Zeezee are writing and discussing about homework and Cahaya is repairing zeezee’s laptop because many virus in her laptop and Cahaya is a collage of technology information so he is understands about that. I really miss you and all of my family over there until come to my dreams every nights. Outside, many people are moving up and down. All of them are wearing jacket because in here the rains were fell down and the weather is very cold. There are couple walking on foot, they look very romantic and make me jealous. Inside, it is cold too but still comfortable. There are three old men at the table next to me. I don’t know what are they talking about what because they are speaking with Korean language so I don’t understand, but they look very happy because they just laughing and laughing again.

I am fine. I was start my collage since one month ago. I attend classes every morning from Monday until Saturday. I really tired but still spirit because prayer from you. I like most of my new friends. they are very nice and beautiful and because of they I have many experiences. Until now, I’m not yet get son in-law for you but I try hard too.

How are you, mom? I hope that you are well and still happy. How about your work? How about my family over there? Don’t forget to take a rest and take care your health because I worried about your healthy. Don’t forget to send my regards for family over there especially for grandmother. say, I miss her.

Your Daughter

"The Meaning"

Days that had elapsed
Will it happen again
Where we've
smiling with ..

Is there a word which is able to express couplet despair in the hearts ..
The road we passed always parted memories
A thimbleful of hope always exists in
Could it end up just being a memory
Time continues to run
it steals a rope friendship

One definite
we're always timeless ..
although many tears
flowing to
The meaning of friendship .....

Your world

Oh poet of love,
when you have no inspiration
you may as well play in my life
How did the know for just myself
but no more than that
sometimes hijab which covers the whole body is sold with a little seduction
it appropriate then it all happened
Sometimes only the task at hand
do not know what to do

Oh Lord
high science right not beat your ego if you stay there
playing with the evil demons that whisper slowly
they say "all is rarely done"
unknowingly you have faced on the road that has no choice.